John Calvert 1681

Know all men that by these presents we, Margaret Calvert of Redmer in
the County of York, widow, and Henry Calvert of Redmire in the County
aforesaid, yeoman, are held and firmly obliged to the Reverend Father
in Christ and Lord, the Lord John, by Divine Permission Bishop of
Chester, and also to the venerable master Joseph Cradock, Knight,
Doctor of Laws, lawfully appointed commissary in and throughout the
Archdeaconary of Richmond in the diocese of Chester, in the sum of one
hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England, payable to the same
Reverend Father and the aforesaid commissary or to their certain
attorneys, executors, administrators or assigns; and we firmly oblige
ourselves and each of us for himself for the whole and altogether, our
heirs, executors and administrators, well and faithfully to make this
same payment, by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Given the 16th
day of the month of March in the year of our Lord one thousand six
hundred and eighty one.

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden
Margaret Calvert do well and truly content and pay, or cause to be well
and truly contented and paid unto Ann, Robert, James, Elizabeth, Henry,
Edward, Jane and Catheran Calvert, natural and lawful children of John
Calvert late of Ridmer of the Archdeaconry of Richmond deceased, all
such filial childs parts and portions, gifts gra[page edge torn],
legacies and bequests, sum or sums of money and all other rights, dues
and demands whatsoever due unto them by the death, will or testament of
their said father deceased, or otherwise when they shall accomplish the
age of twenty one years, be married or otherwise lawfully demand the
same. And in the mean season do well and honestly educate and bring
them up with meat, drink, clothes and all other neccessities during
their minority and make a true and jsut account of the premises when
she shall be there unto lawfully called and (if need require) enter
into such further bond with more sufficient sureties for performance of
the premises as the above named commissary of the said Archdeaconry
for the time being shall think meet and requisite. And lastly do save,
defend and harmless keep the said commissary and all other his officers
and ministers against all persons by reasons of the premises, then this
obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full
force and virtue

Signed, sealed and delivered              Margaret Calvert [Seal]
in the presence of us                     Henry Calvert    [Seal]

Wil Drummond
A  [???]

[The right hand side of this page is badly damaged] A true and perfect inventory of all the goods of John Calvert of Ridmire late deceased 'prised by four men whose names are underwritten Imprimis, his purse and apparel 3 0 ? Item, three kine and three heffers and two twintes 12 10 ? Item, two steers and four calves 6 10 ? Item, one young mare and one galloway 3 0 ? Item, seventeen sheep 4 0 ? Item, hay 3 0 ? Item, corn 1 0 ? Item, one horse 3 15 ? Item, in the forehouse one cupboard with other things 2 0 ? Item, in the parlour one table with other things 1 10 ? Item, in the chamber one table two beds with other things 5 0 0 Item, brass, pewter, with some old things of iron 4 0 0 Item, one ? with some small wood ? 1 0 ? Total 50 15 ? Debts owing by the party deceased Imprimis, to Henry Jackson 3 10 ? Item, to Thomas Smith 3 17 ? Item, to Lowder[?] Miller 2 3 ? Item, to Francis Calverte 9 9 ? Item, to Francis Harrison 0 17 ? Item, to John Thornton 0 2 ? Item, to Robert Calverte 8 0 0 Item, to Ann Calverte 1 0 ? Item, for tithes 0 9 ? Item, to James Calvert [this crossed out] 0 7 ? Total 29 15 ? John Thornton John Cowpland (his mark) Henry Calvert Francis Calvert